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Unit1 project (1)

供稿:0  点击次数:2430  发布日期:2012/11/20 12:16:57

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit1  project (1)

Teaching aims:

1.encourage students to use what they have learnt in this unit to complete  the project.

2.divide students among themselves and cooperate with each other

Teaching procedure:

Step1 leading in

1. in welcome to the unit, we have known some mysteries. Today we will get to a further study of Yetis. We all know that Yetis are wild animals and they are the missing link in the development of human beings. 

Are there other kinds of wild creatures which are similar to Yetis?

Yetis ,Bigfoot and the wild man of Shennongjia

Step2 while-reading

1  students read the 1st paragraph and tell us people believe that…

2. students read paragraph2-4 and finish the cloze

What they are called

_where they are seen

What they look like

Why they look the same


In the ___2_____

Large, hairy, __5____ black fur, about ___6_feet tall with huge shoulders, very long arms and large hands;


These creatures are linked to a common ancestor, an animal that


In the forests of the ___3_____

of the USA

Walking like a man, moving with ____7___ speed and strength;

lived in Asia about 300,000 years ago

Wild Man in Shennongjia

In western ____4___ Province, China

Large tracks more than 33 centimetres in ____8______


3.students read paragraph 5

Does Dr Grover Krantz believe in Yetis?


4. students read paragraph 6

Is there a definite(确定的) conclusion(结论) for this story?


Step3 post-reading

1.teachers take students analyze the structure of the text

Part1 (paragraph     )----Beginning----

Part2 (paragraph       )---- Descriptions  ----

Part3 (paragraph       )---- Discussions  ----

Part4(paragraph       )---- Conclusion   ----

(Yetis are reported to have been seen all over the worl/ Descriptions of Yetis in different places/

Scientists' different opinions about/ Yetis Scientists hope to find the truth)


2.teachers students to summarize the basic5 steps in writing a mysterious story

1.an interesting _____

2.an attractive________         1.What  they are called       

3.Details (evidence) of the story   2.where theyare seen

3.What they look like

4.different opinion    1.Some scientists think ,

2.in other peoples opinion


5.an open _______of the story  1.There is a hope that the mystery will be solved one day.

2. Seeing is believing. We may have the chance to see one with our own eyes

Step4 practice

1.use the 5 steps to write a mysterious story.

(1) Interesting Stonehenge

1.Today, I will give you a story about...2. Its a story.3. Would you like listening a story?4. If you want to have a story, please listen to me carefully.

公元1130,有位英国人偶然(run into)发现了    _________________________________

巨石阵(Stonehenge),从此,它开始引起了人    _________________________________

们的注意(draw one’s attention).20世纪          _________________________________

50年代初期,科学家们说巨石阵至少(at least)    _________________________________

 已有2千年以上的历史,最重的一块超过40       _________________________________

吨重(定语从句)。但是几个世纪以来,没有  _________________________________

人知道是谁建造了巨石阵。                      ________________________________

There is a hope that the mystery will be solved one day.

2Mysterious Loch Ness Monster

1.Today, I will give you a story about...2. Its a story.3. Would you like listening a story?4. If you want to have a story, please listen to me carefully.

19331221,一名猎人在报纸上这样          ________________________ _________

说道,尼斯湖水怪不是故事而是事实(not ...but )     ________________________________


科学家们说他看起来很像恐龙(look like)        _________________________________

大概有7米长,2米高(非限定性定语从句),     _________________________________

能够在水中自由活动。在很多其他人的眼里,      _________________________________

这只是一个玩笑。                                  _________________________________

Seeing is believing. We may have the chance to see one with our own eye

Step5 homework

1.    students use what we have learnt to rewrite the reading part ‘Boy missing , police puzzed’

2.    try to finish the exercises about the language points in the project.

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